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Guerilla Diplomacy

Guerilla Diplomacy

Guerilla Diplomacy

Guerilla Diplomacy

Rethinking International Relations

  • By: Daryl Cpoeland

₹1,165.50 ₹1,295.00 Save: ₹129.50 (10%)

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ISBN: 9788130931197

Bind: Hardbound

Year: 2015

Pages: 328

Size: 153 x 229 mm

Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

Published in India by: Viva Books

Exclusive Distributors: Viva Books

Sales Territory: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka


“Witty and wise and with a sobering dose of warning .... Daryl Copeland has penned a masterly manual Jor navigating the diplomatic rapids of the twenty-first century.”
—Nicolas J. Cull, University of Southern California

“When diplomacy's current revolution is recorded in the history books, Copeland's extraordinarily compelling and prescient work will be acknowledged as one of the milestones of this turbulent period. “
—Simon Anholt, UK Foreign Office Public Diplomacy Board

“A tour de force .... Rifreshing, insightful, innovative .... Finally, a new generation of diplomacy for a new generation of students of diplomacy.”
—R.S. Zaharna, American University

“Copeland provides a clear and bold blueprint-an impassioned plea, euclI-for the reform of diplomatic practice if it is to retain its relevance and purpose in the age of globalized relations. We will view diplomacy in a different light after this book.“
—Donna Lee, University of Birmingham

“Provocative, thoughtful, and cutting edge.... Copeland is all accomplished diplomat who writes from all academic perspective, which is useful and rare.... His assessment of diplomacy's shifting center of gravity is a compelling read. “
—Bruce Gregory, George Washington Universiry

“,,A must-read for forward-thinking diplomats.“
—Jeff Davis, Embassy Magazine

“Truly enjoyable to read .... A tool for navigation through a complex and intertwined system of multiple actors, levels, and problems and a guideline for advancing the role of diplomacy in a changed world. “
—Katharina Hone, DiploNews


Daryl Copeland charts the course for a new kind of diplomacy, one in tune with the demands of today's interconnected, technology driven world.
Eschewing platitudes and broadly rethinking issues of security and development, Copeland provides the tools needed to frame and manage issues ranging from climate change to pandemic disease to asymmetrical conflict and weapons of mass destruction. The essential keystone of his approach is the modem diplomat, able to nimbly engage with a plethora of new international actors and happier mixing with the population than mingling with colleagues inside embassy walls.
Through the lens of Guerrilla Diplomacy, Copeland offers both a call to action and an alternative approach to understanding contemporary international relations.


Diplomacy, Development, and Security in the Age of Globalization
Part 1 The Evolving Context of Diplomacy
Cold War Comfort: The World We Knew • Globalization and Empire: The World We’ve Got • Understanding World Order: The March of History
Part 2 Drivers of Change
Persistent Insecurity: Lessons Unlearned • Development Revisited: No Justice, No Peace • Science and Technology: Black Hole or Silver Bullet?
Part 3 Diplomacy Unbound
The Global Political Economy of Knowledge: Working Smarter • The Foreign Ministry: Relic or Renaissance? • Public Diplomacy and Foreign Service: The Front Lines
Part 4 The Way Ahead
International Policy Instruments: Relevant, Effective, Transformed • Guerrilla Diplomacy: Sharper, Faster, Lighter • Conclusions: None Foregone
About the Book


About the Author:

Daryl Copeland is research fellow at the University of Southern California's Center on Public Diplomacy and senior fellow at the University of Toronto's Munk Centre for International Studies. In 1981-2009 he served as a Canadian diplomat, with postings in Thailand, Ethiopia, New Zealand, and Malaysia, and in 1996-1999 was national program director with the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.


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