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Gas Turbine Propulsion

Gas Turbine Propulsion

Gas Turbine Propulsion

  • By: D P Mishra

₹1,435.50 ₹1,595.00 Save: ₹159.50 (10%)

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ISBN: 9788130927527

Bind: Hardbound

Year: 2015

Pages: 372

Size: 191 x 242 mm

Publisher: MV Learning

Exclusive Distributors: Viva Books

Sales Territory: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar


This textbook is designed for undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students interested in learning the fundamental aspects of aircraft propulsion. The basic theory of the gas turbine engine based on the principle of thermodynamics and aerodynamics is covered extensively, as most of the recent commercial and military aircraft are being powered by the gas turbine engines. Emphasis is placed on precise and logical presentation of the basic concepts and principles, which are essential for a better understanding of aircraft propulsion. The text flows in a gradual manner to instill confidence in the minds of the reader. Attempts have been made to keep the derivation of fundamental equations and principles at an uncomplicated mathematical level. Several examples are provided in each chapter for the reader to assimilate and reinforce the ideas developed in this book. Adequate emphasis is laid on the problem solving techniques. The rudiments of the design, operation and behaviour of individual component of gas turbine engine are included. Typical values of design parameters, experimental data and examples of actual engines are also included in several places to help the reader appreciate the subject matter. The details of the practical aspects such as mechanical design, control systems and manufacturing procedures etc., have not been included, because these are not considered to be part of fundamental theory, which undergoes frequent changes.

Target Audience:

Undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students interested in learning the fundamental aspects of aircraft propulsion/aerospace engineering.


Review of Basic Principles  •  Aircraft Engine  •  Ideal Cycle Analysis  •  Real Cycle Analysis  •  Introduction to Turbomachinery  •  Axial Compressor  •  Centrifugal Compressor  •  Axial Turbine  •  Gas Turbine Combustor  •  Air Intake  •  Exhaust Nozzle

About the Author:

Dr. D.P. Mishra
is a faculty member in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India. He has over 15 years of teaching and research experience. He has established a combustion laboratory at IIT Kanpur and served as Visiting Professor (2002) at Tokyo-Denki University, Japan. His areas of research interest include combustion, computational fluid dynamics, atomization, etc. He has taught several courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the areas of combustion, aircraft propulsion, rocket propulsion, thermodynamics, and air-breathing missile propulsion, etc. He is recipient of several awards including Young Scientist Award (1991) by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India; INSA-JSPS Fellowship (2002); Sir Rajendranath Mookerjee Memorial Award from The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata, India and others. He is serving as Assistant Editor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Elsevier, USA and as an editorial board member of Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Taylor & Francis Group. Dr. Mishra has to his credit Samanta Chandrasekhar award, by Orissa Bigyan Academy, four Indian patents and more than 155 publications in refereed Journals and in conference proceedings. He has authored a textbook titled Fundamentals of Combustion, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, India. Another textbook titled Engineering Thermodynamics is going to be published by Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., India. He has also edited three books on combustion and aerospace engineering. He is actively engaged in a number of sponsored research and consultancy projects in the field of combustion and atomization.


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